Showing posts with label brothel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brothel. Show all posts

Sunday, May 1, 2011

looking for Angela

In my last post I mentioned how I tried to find Angela in Peter Street. I couldn't find her, and on Wednesday I decided to try again. Re-reading the Soho Walk-Up Thread on the PunterNet Forum I found the location of her flat. It is on the top floor of 28 Peter Street. She isn't normally the sort of woman that I would go for, just the opposite in fact, but I thought it would be an interesting experience. She is apparently quite wild.

When the maid opened the door I asked her the name of the woman there that day. In Peter Street, unlike most other places in Soho, they don't put the name of the woman up outside the flat. She wouldn't say but kept inviting me in to talk to the woman. When I was inside the flat I saw quite an attractive Italian-looking woman, with long black hair. She looked about 40. I asked her if she is Angela and she said yes.

The bedroom was pleasant enough and had big mirrors. I asked her if I could spend ten minutes with her for £20. I said I would like a hand job. While she was wanking me she asked me how I knew about her. I said that I had found out about her on the internet. She asked what they were saying about her and I replied that they said she looked liked a porn star and was horny.

It was quite a pleasant experience but afterwards I couldn't help thinking that maybe this woman isn't Angela. She wasn't quite what I was expecting. I started re-reading the Soho Walk-Up Thread more carefully and also the field reports for Soho. Angela is in fact a blonde! So the woman I saw wan't being honest with me. Unless she's had a change of hair colour which could have happened but I don't think so.

When she had been asking me about what they were saying about her, she really wanted to know what they were saying about Angela. Probably she knows Angela, maybe she thinks of Angela as a rival. Or she wants to know how Angela has got herself lots of publicity.

Anyway, apparently I might not be the only one who has been looking for Angela. I saw a news report on TV about four Police Community Support Officers who have left their jobs in disgrace after being caught visiting a 'brothel' while on duty. I could recognize Peter Street and I wondered if it was the same flat I had been to.

I googled it and came up with two news stories in The Telegraph and The Daily Mail. The Mail story has a photo of the doorway. The PCSOs had asked after a particular Eastern European woman (Angela is Lithuanian). She wan't there, and they had a cup of tea with the maid. It is defininitely 28 Peter Street. So maybe they had been reading the PunterNet Forum and decided to check out 'fab looking horny filthy talking porn star lookalike' Angela. All they got was a cup of tea.