Saturday, March 28, 2009

encounters with women with problems

I got off the bus earlier this week near to where I live and I saw a woman who could barely walk. She looked as if she was about to collapse. I went up to her and said are you OK. I said to her come and sit on the wall with me and I tried to talk to her.

She started crying and said that she had lost all of her money and would not have any more for a week or so. I said to her "Have you spent all of your money on drugs?". She said no, everybody seems to think that she is on drugs but she doesn't take drugs.

She couldn't even sit up straight on the wall she seemed to be so tired and about to collapse. She took out some sweets from her pocket and tried to eat one. She said she hadn't had anything to eat all day. She seemed very confused and disorientated.

It was getting dark and I tried to find out about her. I asked her if she knew where she lived but she didn't seem to be making any sense. She said that she had been robbed and that her boyfriend was abusive and must have spiked her with a drug that morning.

I had the number of the local police on my mobile but when I tried to ring it there was no reply. I didn't think she could just be left on the street in her condition. I rang 999 because I didn't know what else to do. When the police came the first thing she said was that she is a heroin addict. I asked if they knew her.

They told me there was nothing they could do for her and so I just had to walk away. I told them what she had told me about getting robbed and spiked but they said this was rubbish. I looked back to see what had happened to her. She was striding away from the police so she had obviously perked up.

I can now see that she was telling me things that were not true, but I believe her distress, confusion and disorientation were real. I would have given her a bit of money for her to get home or something to eat if she had been honest with me. I did give her a bit of loose change.

I have not seen a woman in this condition before, although I have met lots of drug addicts. I don't know if she was mentally ill, or if taking drugs has made her mentally ill or if the addiction itself can be thought of as a mental illness. I watched the film 'The Magdalene Sisters' which shows young women incarcerated for basically nothing. Of course this is bad but in our society we have gone in the opposite direction and leave women on the streets in danger of attack, rape, hypothermia, addiction to drugs and alcohol, and STDs. Also they don't take their medication and so have untreated mental illness.

Last year in the summer I was walking along Greek Street in Soho when I saw a woman standing on the kerb. She looked about 30. She was wearing a hooded jacket that seemed to big for her and inappropriate for the warm weather. She was carrying a number of carrier bags some of which seemed empty. She looked homeless.

When I came back along the same road about half an hour later she was still standing in the same spot. I went up to her and asked if she was OK. I asked her if I could buy her a coffee or something. I asked her if she knew anywhere we could go for a coffee.

She led me off to Charing Cross Road and into the local Sainsbury's there. The security guard immediately stopped her and said that she knew she wasn't allowed in there. She pointed to me and said that I would be paying. The guard escorted her back onto the street and explained to me that she had been caught shoplifting before and he thought there was something wrong with her.

She then led me briskly south along Charing Cross Road, not looking to see if I was following. At one point I stopped and let her walk on but after a few paces she turned and said that we were nearly there. She took me to a fast food outlet and started ordering something. I paid for it and also a coffee for myself.

I sat opposite her and she seemed to be intent on eating, although quite slowly. I asked her what her name was and she said 'Langdon' although I doubt that this is her real name. I asked her who looks after her and she said the NHS. I tried to find out about her. At one point I got her to smile. She was quite attractive and child like.

I'm not sure what is wrong with her but my guess is autism. There is a hostel at the north end of Greek Street so I am not sure if she was living there. A couple of months later I saw her again at the southern end of Greek Street. I went up to her and asked if she remembered me. She said she did but it was obvious that she did not want to talk to me. She seemed frightened of me.

I did not anticipate that this could happen. The only thing I could think of was that she said something to somebody - perhaps the staff at the hostel - about how a man had bought her something to eat, and that they had told her this was dangerous.

It's a pity because I would have bought her something else to eat and I would never have tried to have any kind of sexual contact with her. She was obviously not being looked after where she was, getting into trouble with the police and not getting enough to eat. I'm sure that there would be many people in that area who would give her a helping hand without trying to abuse her so it would be a pity if someone has tried to make her afraid of strangers.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I went to TB Common this week

I went to TB Common this week. I didn't expect to meet anyone there, not in the middle of winter. I don't just go there to meet women. I went into the bushes to have a piss. There are not many leaves on the bushes and a lot of the undergrowth has been cut away so there are not many secluded places left.

I found a place that had been used by street-girls. I saw an improvised crack pipe. I had noticed the same thing in the same position last week, but this is the first time I have ever seen drugs paraphernalia on the common ever. It is not true, as has been reported on TV, that drugs equipment is found all over the common. I also noticed a used condom hanging from a twig in the same position as last week and a lot of shit.

Someone has been smoking crack and shitting in the bushes. This is a new development. I thought perhaps there must be a disturbed woman around. Last week I did meet a woman. She was a middle-aged African woman, quite plump. Quite well-dressed, didn't look like an addict. I spoke to her but didn't go with her.

Because the mess does not get cleaned up it is easy to think that there is a greater accumulation of used condoms and other items than is in fact the case. If people are so worried about children seeing drug equipment, then why don't they make sure it is cleared away? Not that most people, especially children, would know what a crack pipe is. If a crack pipe is made of rubbish then it looks like rubbish. People don't usually go into the undergrowth anyway.

Cutting away the undergrowth may seem a good plan to stop prostitutes. The effect of it may be to force women to get into men's cars more often, thus making their lives more dangerous.

There will also be an effect on wildlife. Some birds need open ground to feed in but undergrowth to breed in. Clearing away the undergrowth will harm wildlife, especially as the brambles provide blackberries in the autumn. It would be better if local residents forgot about their obsession with prostitutes, and also stopped telling lies.

Another thing I don't like is the way that the park wardens sometimes drive around off-road in their van. This can compact the soil and can lead to the death of some trees. There are some old oak trees there and it would be a pity if they die, especially for such a trivial reason as trying to deter punters.

Street-girls, escorts and cocaine

I have been criticised by some for suggesting that large numbers of prostitutes who are not street-girls take drugs. I need to clarify what it is that I have said and explain why I think it is so.

My guess is that half of all prostitutes who are not street-girls, even the higher-class escorts, take cocaine on a regular basis. It is my belief that no matter which form of prostitution a man may indulge in, the money he pays is likely to be spent in part on cocaine.

Cocaine use is so common in our society now, and is becoming more common. It is accepted in some circles, especially among people who can earn large amounts of money.

Women who take up prostitution have crossed a line that most women would not wish to cross. A woman who is willing to cross that line would be more willing to also cross the line of trying drugs. Trying a drug like cocaine is an easier step to take than trying prostitution, more women have taken it, and more middle-class women.

The sort of men who pay prostitutes are more likely to take cocaine. The sort of men who associate with prostitutes socially are more likely to take cocaine. This will influence many women who take up prostitution.

Any man who pays prostitutes and who thinks that his money will not be spent on drugs is fooling himself. Any woman who takes cocaine and looks at a street girl and thinks "That could never happen to me" is fooling herself. Street-girls in my experience do not become street-girls because they are forced into it by pimps, or been forced onto drugs, or because they have recently emerged from a childhood in care.

They have become street-girls because they have been willing to cross lines, to transgress boundaries. This is because they are fun-loving and don't think that it can happen to them. They don't think. In some cases they will have had some kind of psychological disturbance and have always had a chaotic lifestyle. In most cases that will not be true. It is in the nature of drug addiction that people loose control.

Cocaine by itself is enough of a problem. People who take it think that they can control how much they take and that they will not go on to take crack cocaine, crystal meth or heroin. In most cases people can control it, but you can never tell if it will be you who ends up on the streets.

You may think that it is hypocritical of me to say this when I give money to street girls. I'm not criticising people, I just want people to be clear about what it is that they are doing. If two or three times a year I give a tenner to a street-girl to feel her tits or something else I don't feel that I should be criticised by other punters or by escorts who feel that they are better than me.

I am aware that money paid for cocaine and crack cocaine ends up in the hands of criminals who plant land mines that kill and maim innocent people in South America. Are you? What I have been looking for for a long time is an unmarried mum on a council estate in south London who needs the money to pay rent and bills and Xmas presents for her kids. I would be one of her regular clients and I would be more confident than nearly all punters that my money was not going on drugs. I would stop seeing street-girls and I would stop going to Soho too.