links to studies

links to academic studies

name of studyauthorimportance
Prostitution in Sweden 2014: The Extent and Development of Prostitution in SwedenEndrit Mujaj and Amanda Netscherthe only one that includes all of the important statistics from surveys
Client-Only Criminalization in the City of StockholmDaniela Dannamoney for police but not social services
Four Hundred Thousand Swedish PervertsDon Kulickfigures behind the supposed decrease
The Swedish Sex Purchase ActCharlotta Holmströmthere could be more 'brokers' (pimps and traffickers)

The Swedish Government mandated the National Board of Health and Welfare [Socialstyrelsen] in the Women’s Safety Bill of 1997/98 to regularly monitor and gather information about the extent and development of prostitution in Sweden
Prostitution in Sweden 1998-1999
Prostitution in Sweden 2003: Knowledge, Beliefs & Attitudes of Key Informants
Prostitution in Sweden 2007
Interventioner mot prostitution och människohandel för sexuella ändamål2008

"SOU" stands for "Statens Offentliga Utredningar," which translates to "Government Official Reports"
SOU 1995:15in 1995 street sex work was already decreasing
SOU 2010:49Anna Skarhedmakes no claim for a reduction in demand

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