Anna Skarhed

Anna Skarhed was a top lawyer in Sweden tasked with the first review of the 1999 law that criminalized men who pay for sex. This she did in 2010. It was called The Ban against the Purchase of Sexual Services. An Evaluation 1999–2008 [Förbud mot köp av sexuell tjänst. En utvärdering 1999–2008 (SOU 2010:49)]

The Skarhed report of 2010 used the figures 13.6% and 8%. It didn't use any of the other figures from the surveys. This was the beginning of the deception as to the effectiveness of the 1999 Swedish law. Anna Skarhed was at the top of the Swedish legal establishment. She was Chancellor of Justice, formerly a Justice of the Supreme Court.

The 13.6% figure for the proportion of Swedish men who had paid for sex at some time in their life in the 1996 survey has been reevaluated to 12.7%. The 8% (or 7.8%) figure has been reevaluated to 7.6%. She seems to be using the old figure though, as she did in 2015 with the Vatican. Even though there was an excellent report in 2015 by Endrit Mujaj and Amanda Netscher giving the more correct figure.

In a 2015 video here she makes the extra mistake of saying that the figure is for men who had paid for sex in the previous year (active sex buyers). Active sex buyers increased in Sweden between 1996 and 2008.

The video was put onto YouTube by the Vatican. Casina Pio IV where she was talking is a palatial building in the Vatican. Obviously the Vatican can't be bothered to fact check any of the statistics that they endorse. They say they care about the victims but really they want to stop sin.

It annoys me that someone can live in luxury as a guest of the Pope, telling falsehoods, while sex workers in Sweden have to work many more hours to earn the money they need. And that situation will continue because of the falsehoods. They intend this system to spread to more and more countries. Talk about luxury beliefs.

The picture below is my screenshot of the video and my comment. Let's see how long it stays up. I have had my comments removed from YouTube before. UPDATE: my comment doesn't show up unless I am logged in as Pyramusb. Nobody can see my comment. YouTube and the Vatican don't want people to know the truth. There is no genuine debate on YouTube.

The picture above is from part of the Skarhed Report. She gives the only statistic from the surveys that shows a decrease in demand. She doesn't give the more important statistic that active sex buyers increased from 1.3% to 1.8%. Or that women who had sold sex increased from 0.3% to 1.1%. She is a very biased person.

People have been repeating her incorrect statistics since her report. Like Sylvia Walby in her influential report. Or this video here. I put a lot of information in the Comments section which got removed. I tried again and some of it is still up there.

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