Saturday, April 30, 2016

got my first hate mail today

I have not had hate mail before, or if I have had it was so long ago I have forgotten it. Today I got one entitled 'Nasty pig' from Victoria Jane The message is "Woman hate men like u. All the women you pay think ur a pervy pig. Fuckin scum". I like pigs, so I don't take it as an insult to be compared to one. I'm sure there are women who hate me, but one thing I've learned is that people are all different.

Radical Feminists, Christians of Pentecostal or Catholic persuasions, and Moslems might hate me. I try not to hate anyone.


Anonymous said...

I don't hate you. I like reading your blog. Then again I am a man. I also like pigs. Very intelligent animals.Tasty too.

Bête de Nuit said...

I don't know why I like pigs so much considering the unpleasant experience I had with them as a child. Anyone who has seen Pinky and Perky singing Hello Dolly will know what I mean.